Blue and White

Monday, December 19, 2005

Early returns from Iraqi elections

Early returns from the Iraqi elections show that the religious Shiite coalition , known as the United Iraqi Alliance, has a commanding lead. A senior official in the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, one of the main groups in the United Iraqi Alliance, said the alliance was expecting to get about 130 seats. On the other hand, early vote tallies suggested disappointing results for a secular party led by former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, a U.S. favorite.

These are terrible news. We have a religious coalition, having as a main group the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, as the apparent projected winner. On the other hand, the main secular party is doing very poorly.

As I said before, it is highly concerning that religious islamic parties will form the goverment in Iraq. Especially a party that advocates "Islamic Revolution". This is the worst possible outcome of these elections and indicates a serious danger for the future: The creation of an Islamic fundamentalist Iraq state.