Blue and White

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Iraqi Elections

Tomorrow there are elections in Iraq. It appears that the winner will be again the United Iraqi Alliance. But what are these people? Do they really believe in democracy or they are driven by religious fundamentalism themselves? Well, The United Iraqi Alliance encompasses the most powerful Shiite forces in the country, as the Dawa Party and the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq. It also includes supporters of Muqtada al-Sadr, the Shiite cleric whose militia members fought against U.S. troops in 2004.

Islamic Revolution party?? That does not sound good to me. If these guys believe in Islamic revolution, they are obviously against democracy. All revolutions have a goal, and their goal appears to be the establishment of an islamic regime.

Some names of other participating parties in the election: Iraqi Islamic Party, Islamic Coalition, Justice and Future Coalition. It seems to me that islamic religious lunatics hold a lot of power in Iraq and thats not a good thing. Is that what the Bush administration wants to achieve in the middle east? Apparently not. But thats whats happening. It would not be surprising if in 10-20 years we have Iran number 2 in the region, called Iraq. I hope that does not happen. If it did, it would be the worst possible outcome of the bizzare actions of a very incompetent Bush administration.