Feingold: Democrats Run and Hide

Only Tom Harkin from Iowa said so far that he will vote for it. The rest of the democrats have avoided commenting. An analysis of why they are afraid to support Feingold is in this article in the Washington Post.
Feinngold represents the majority of democrats in the country who are sick and tired of cowards in the democratic party who are afraid to take action to protect democracy. This approach of many democrats is a loosing approach. Thats why Bush is in the White House.
We have said before in this blog many times that Russ Feingold is the natural leader of the democratic party and the best possible candidate for 2008. The question is how may other democrats with guts are left in the party? Why dont they support Russ's call to censure the worst president in the history of the country? What is so difficult about it?
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