Blue and White

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Joe Lieberman And His Support for Anti-Choice Plates

Jane Hamsher from Firedoglake reports that Joe Lieberman is among the supporters of anti-choice, "pro-life" plates that are promoted by The Children First Foundation - a New York-based pro-adoption group opposed to abortion. Similar plates are already used in some states like Tenessee and Oklahoma.

Not surprising with Joe. He is a right-wing republican and out of touch with his base in Connecticut. He is apparently willing to support religious extremists that want to send the country back in the dark ages. How could anyone support such plates and then claim that he is pro-choice??

As I wrote before, Joe should retire in Crawford, Texas after he is defeated by Ned Lamont. There, he would have more time to spend with anti-choice groups and other extremists that hang around with the Bush family that he adores.