Blue and White

Monday, July 10, 2006

Joe Lieberman:Train operators conspire to sabotage his campaign

The Joe Lieberman story is becoming hilarious. Joe Biden did not show up in an event in Connecticut to support Lieberman. The excuse invented by the Lieberman campaign was that Biden missed the train!!! But Spazeboy has listed the train schedules to Stamford, CT that shows that if Joe Biden wanted to go, he would have made it. Easily. There is a train every 30-60 min.

So, what is going on? Did Biden think again and decided to abandon Lieberman?? Or did the train operators in Connecticut conspire to block Biden from attending the Liberman's campaign event?

The whole thing is kind of comic. Lieberman is losing his credibility constantly and in a very fast rate. I think Joe should show up at Fox News and condemn the train operators for blocking senator Biden from attending the event. I am sure Sean Hannity can produce some witnesses that could be used in new ad against Lamont.