Barack Obama For President

1. He is a fresh voice in Washington and he is, most definitely, an outsider.
2. He does not seem to be as bound and controlled by corporate interests as some other democratic candidates (i.e. Hillary).
3. He has a good vision about a United Country.
4. He is liberal enough for me.
5. He has been consistently against the Iraq war.
6. He is the democratic candidate with the best chance to win the general elections.
7. He does not have experience, and that is a good thing. JFK did not have experience either.
Today he will be making his anouncement that can be seen live here.
I have to say that I am still not completely over the fact that Obama campaigned for Lieberman in the democratic primaries. That was a very negative thing for me. However, despite that, Obama has been consistently opposing the war. Also, I really like the fact that most Hollywood actors support Obama now and raise money for him. I really like the leftist Hollywood actors and their leftist positions, and I trust their "left-wing" instincts. The fact that most of them are endorsing Obama is another reassurance that Obama is principled.

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