Is capitalism failing as a system?

The economic collapse continues. It will be interesting to see if there will be a recovery or not. Another possibility is that capitalism as a system is finally failing.
It is an obvious possibility that no one dares to bring up. But it is certainly a possibility. What I find interesting is that so far countries with a social-democratic structure (i.e. Sweden and the rest of the Scandinavian countries) have been affected to a much lesser degree than the US and other western countries. Are we witnessing of the beginning of the collapse of capitalism as a system and the come-back of socialism? Maybe.

The economic collapse continues. It will be interesting to see if there will be a recovery or not. Another possibility is that capitalism as a system is finally failing.
It is an obvious possibility that no one dares to bring up. But it is certainly a possibility. What I find interesting is that so far countries with a social-democratic structure (i.e. Sweden and the rest of the Scandinavian countries) have been affected to a much lesser degree than the US and other western countries. Are we witnessing of the beginning of the collapse of capitalism as a system and the come-back of socialism? Maybe.
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