Blue and White

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Political illiteracy in MA and the USA

Should we be surprised that a teabagger won the seat of Ted Kennedy? Should we be surprised that one of the most liberal states in the country just destroyed health care reform?

Well, maybe not. After all, this country re-elected Bush in 2004! Tonight, it was reminder that not much has changed in the mentality of US voters.

Lets face reality. The biggest problem in this country is misinformation, ignorance and political illiteracy. The "independent" voters who voted for Brown, probably had no idea what they were voting for. It is inconceivable that anyone would vote for Barack Obama a year ago, and now vote for teabagger Brown. But that is exactly what happened. The reality is that the majority of the voters in MA and in the whole country are generally superficially informed and they "dont care" about politics. They dont know much and they dont want to learn more. They just vote based on headlines, trends, even appearances.

I was shocked to hear earlier while driving home on ABC that the "independents" who voted for Brown, were voting for "change" because in their minds Obama did not deliver, while Brown may? WTF? lol

I have been critical of Obama and I believe he made many mistakes over the last year seeking "bipartisanship". But he is a president who tried and came very close to do something big. Make essential health care reform changes so the shameful current system is changed. The voters of MA proved that it is essentially impossible to bring real change in this country.

The whole situation would be totally laughable if it was not tragic. The majority of voters in MA decided that they did not want health care reform, but probably dont know why. They dont understand why and they dont want to know why. They just wanted to send a "message". They are politically illiterate people who could even elect a war criminal like Cheney president in 2012. Why not? That's their way of sending a "message".