Ted Kennedy on Bush's wiretapping and the patriot act

"Americans deserve laws that protect both their security and their civil liberties, and this conference report does not. After years of doubt about the PATRIOT Act -- this morning, Americans are waking up to more startling reports. For the past three years, the Administration has been eavesdropping on hundreds of calls without warrants or oversight. Well, the Administration isn't responding to the article -- but they tell us --"trust us, we follow the law." Give me a break.
Across the country -- and across the political spectrum -- no one is buying it anymore. This Administration feels it's above the law, and the American people -- and our Constitution -- pay the price. There is no accountability -- and no oversight. This president continues to ignore history. In the 1970s, big brother spied on its citizens and the American people stood up and said no. President Nixon's program -- COINTEL -PRO -- allowed broad spying on law-abiding American citizens. We stopped big brother then by establishing a FISA court to ensure proper oversight and protections. Now, this Administration believes it's above even those protections. This is big brother run amok."
As always, Ted Kennedy makes some excellent points.
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