Blue and White

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Another Candidate for the Senate Seat of Lieberman

Republican state legislator Diana S. Urban will be also running as an independent (a petitioning candidate) in the November election for the replacement of the senate seat of Joe Lieberman.

So in November we will have running:
1 democrat (Ned Lamont)
2 republicans (Schlessinger and Urban) and
1 independent (Lieberman)

Interestingly, the most conservative among all of them is unquestionnably Joe Lieberman who is to the right of all the others.

Urban apparently opposes strongly the war in Iraq and she certainly sounds like a very moderate republican. Interestingly, she appears to disagree with the republican party of today (and that speaks very well about her).

Thats what she said recently:
I am a Republican in the Lincoln/Teddy Roosevelt ilk,” she said. “That's what I am; that's the party I represent. I don't know where it is, and if you find it would you please tell me?