Blue and White

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Lieberman's collapsing campaign and his panic for the loss of a senate seat

Here is an interesting commentary from the Hartford Courant regarding the collapsing campaign of Lieberman. Quote:

"Lieberman is clearly panicking. First, he dishonestly attacked his opponent as siding with Republicans, then an ally of his told reporters that voters "terrorized" him."

Actually it is more than obvious that Lieberman is panicking. In this interview yesterday to CNN he looked aged and his moral was down. He looked already defeated. Like man who had already lost his job.

Here is our advise to senator Lieberman: Many people lose their jobs, but they find alternatives. Just find another job. Update your CV, ask your references (Cheney, Bush and Ann Coulter) to write you letters of recommendation, and start looking for a new job. You will get something, dont worry.