Blue and White

Monday, August 14, 2006

Joe Lieberman: The de facto GOP Nominee in Connecticut

It is now obvious that Joe Lieberman has become the defacto nominee of the GOP in Connecticut. In fact, Ken Mehlman refused to endorse Schessinger on Meet the Press, as it is obvious that his bosses (George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove) support the "neorepublican" Joe Lieberman.

Lieberman can not have it both ways and pretend to be a "democrat" and at the same time praise the most disastrous republican administration in history and have money raised for him by republicans, as well as far-right extreme wingnut groups and neonservatives.

If Lieberman does not want to be labeled as republican or "neorepublican" as we call him in this blog, he should denounce the GOP and refuse to get money raised by republicans.