Democratic Candidates

Hillary: She could end up being the Lieberman of the presidential 2008 elections. She has been a supporter of the war and I simply dont trust her. The chances of me endorsing her are near zero.
Obama: I wrote before that he is a light-weight, but I may change my mind. He seems to be the most electable democrat and he was smart enough to oppose Iraq from day 1. He has also liberal positions on many issues.
Edwards: I like what he says now, but somehow I dont trust him. It is hard to know how sincere he is.
Biden: He needs new dentures if he is going to stay competitive.
Dodd: Nice guy and a reasonable candidate. He has no chance in this field.
Richardson: He may end up being the biggest surprise. I could easily vote for him.
Kucinich: He obviously has no chance. But I like his originality and crystal-clear message. Indepndently of whom I vote for, I may financially support his campaign.
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