How could Connecticut do that to the country?

Many Connecticut voters demonstrated lack of understanding of what was at stake. In fact the 32% of the democrats who voted for (and re-elected Lieberman), are either right wing republicans and dont know it, or are simply politically illiterate and they have no idea of what is going on around them. You can not be a anti-war democrat and vote for the Iraq war and against the democratic party. Thats what a vote for Lieberman was in reality.
What to do next? The democrats should completely ignore Lieberman, and if he wants not to support the democrats in the senate, thats fine. A senate minority without Lieberman is much better than a senate majority with Lieberman. If the democrats keep compromising on Iraq and other issues, to make sure that Lieberman is happy, they will be defeated in 2008. Big time.
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