It is amazing that there is still some debate on what to do with Iraq. I really dont get it. You have people like McCain and pathological liar Joe Lieberman advocating to send more troops to Iraq. You have Bush insisting that we "can win". Then you have most democrats and some republicans (Chuck Hagel and Gordon Smith) who have realized that things are terrible over there and we should start thinking of getting out. And then you have the troops stuck in the middle of a horrendous bloody civil war among different islamic factions.

The country desperately needs leadership. And the democrats better deliver that after January 1. There is only one simple solution. Get out now. Call it anyway you want. No matter how many more troops one would send, the outcome can not change at this point. That country is destroyed and can not be controlled at this point. The more we stay, the worse things will get for us. Why? First of all because more troops will be killed for no reason at all. Second, because the more we stay now, the less influence we will have in the region after we leave.
Iraq was a catastrophic error done by an incompetent administration. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz

, Blair and Powell have major responsibility for this disaster. Several of them have broken the international law in the process of starting that war. If Bush and his incompetent group continue to ignore the public opinion and the will of the American people and insist in continuing this insane bloody war with no purpose, they should be impeached. The democrats have to get the strength and the guts to move on with impeaching, at the very least Bush, Cheney, and Rice. That may be the only way to save lifes and stop that psychotic war. History is watching.
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