Lieberman starts speaking honestly

Thats the kind of a senator for which 50% of the voters in Connecticut voted for. A liar, who lied big time to get re-elected. What is amazing is that it was so obvious when he was lying then, that makes you wonder whether the voters who voted for him paid any attention to the election at all.
I have recently concluded that there are 3 democrats significantly responsible for the re-election of Lieberman and the consequences of such re-election. These were high-profile democrats who campaigned for him in the democratic primary. They are Bill Clinton, Barbara Boxer, and Barack Obama. Without them Lieberman would not be in the senate today.
Why do I say that? One could argue that what they did was irrelevant because Lieberman lost the primary. In fact all 3 of them subsequently "passively" endorsed Lamont. Well, the support that Lieberman got from these 3 popular democrats, especially Clinton, allowed him to get enough support and lose the primary by a very narrow margin (4%). Such marginal loss allowed him to run as an independent and resurrect himself in the general election with the open support of the republican election machine Such support from "liberal" democrats (in fact Barbara Boxer is really a liberal) gave him credibility to low information democratic voters that lasted through the general election. Lets not forget that 30% of the democrats in Connecticut voted for Lieberman and against the democratic party in November. Without such votes Lieberman would have never been re-elected.
So, congratulations Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Barbara Boxer. You succeeded in helping the re-election of a man who represents the very worst in politics in this country.
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