Happy New Year

1. Get out of Iraq and stop the unecessary loss of life.
2. Impeach George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condoleezza Rice for deliberately lying to the nation and starting a war that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
3. That Bush and Cheney would resign, as they no longer represent the will of the American people. Nancy Pelosi would then become president :)
4. President Nancy Pelosi would form a national unity administration that includes both democrats and republicans, to restore full democracy and lead the country to new elections and out of the disaster created by the Bush regime.
5. The US restores its image around the world and strengthens again its ties with our european allies. We become a real superpower again.
6. The congress passes a plan for universal health care.
Well, none of these will happen of course...There is only some hope that part of #1 will happen. That there will be some partial withdrawal from Iraq. But this would only happen if the democrats push hard. I hope they will. That was the only reason they won the elections in 2006.
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