The next president?

I think that John Edwards has an excellent chance to be the next president. What I believe will happen is that Edwards will beat Hillary in Iowa (he is already leading in polls there) and gain momentum. We will likely end up seing a 3-way race between Edwards, Hillary and Obama, and I believe Edwards will win by a narrow margin. If that happens, it is very likely that he will pick Obama as a the VP candidate for the democratic ticket.
Now, it is obviously hard to predict with certainty who will be the winner of the democratic primaries. But make no mistake, the democratic presidential candidate will be the next president. No republican has even a remote chance to win the presidency in 2008. Some, like Giuliani, may make it more difficult for the democrats, while others, like (extreme far right) Newt Gingrich or (very low-weight) Mitt Romney would make it very easy. I also think that if McCain is the republican candidate, he will be defeated by a landslide. No matter what, the next president will be a democrat. And I believe it will be John Edwards.
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