Blue and White

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The republican party at new lows

I was thinking that the republican party is probably at the lowest point in its history. It has degenerated to a party whose supporters (not all, but most) find acceptable as ideological leaders bigots like Ann Coulter. It has degenerated to a party that has currently as a leader the worst president in the history of the country. Even worse, it has degenerated to a party whose selections for leadership positions are controlled by religious extremists and lunatics like Dobson and Falwell.

There is no question that this party is held hostage to bigots and fanatic lunatics at this point. Most of the GOP supporters vote for that party because of the ideology of "fiscal responsibility" and "low taxes". Of course, there is nothing to suggest that the republican leaders of today care about fiscal responsibility. Thus, the only thing left is low taxes. But I am starting to lose any sympathy for republican voters who vote republican just for that reason. They can not keep voting republican just for that. They can not ignore the obvious fact that the lunatics and extremists that control that party now impede progress, science and, clearly, hate our civil liberties.

Oh, and that argument that the republican leaders are "strong on security" has been proven ridiculous by now. They are so incompetent that start the wrong wars for the wrong reasons.