I dont need my money back

Anyway, I am glad about one thing. I dont need my money back!! There are so many diaries in Daily Kos the last few days, in which people express their disappointment with many democrats they supported and write that they want their money back! These include people that contributed to the campaigns of senators like Tester or Webb, I guess. Well, I am glad I did not. When Kos was helping these senators with fundraising in his site, I considered supporting them. I desperately wanted the democratic party to win last November, like all of us. But then I decided that I will not support such candidates, because I had doubts about them and they seemed to be a little too "centrists" for my taste. My thinking was simple. Why would I support anyone who served in a Reagan administration? And it seems that I was proven right.
I am glad I contributed to the campaign of Ned Lamont. He lost, but I am sure he would have been on the Feingold side had he been elected. I am also glad that I contributed (and continue to do so) to Move On. It is a great organization that really fights for what is right. But I will never support democrats that are not progressive liberals, no matter who their opponent is.
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