Very Low I.Q.

Well, after watching him today in Meet the Press with Tim Russert, I have to revise my opinion of him. He is not intelligent (at least any longer). His positions on the Iraq war are insane. He is confusing the history of world war II with Iraq. He was saying something about Japan and our goverment then, and how it would be then if the current congress was in place, and other weird stuff like that. The guy is confused and not particularly intelligent.
When Chris Dodd pointed out the obvious, that Iraq is in a civil war, Gingrich responded that we won civil wars in the past!!! What an idiotic statement! On whose site in the Sunni-Shiite civil war does Gingrich think we should be fighting? Sorry, but Newt is not intelligent at all. Of course, I am sure his I.Q. is still higher than W's, but that does not say much.
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