Low I.Q.

"We don't want to send the message to the troops" that Congress does not support them, said Levin, D-Mich. "We're going to support those troops."
That is an idiotic statement. Cutting funding for the war has nothing to do with "supporting the troops". It has to do with stopping the war. I think that Levin has simply low I.Q., as he is not a right-winger and he had originally voted in 2002 against the Iraq war. But he has apparently limitations in his ability to think. The democrats can and should elect people smarter than that.
Two other disappointing votes that could be conceivably classified in the "low-intelligence" category are the votes of the newly elected democratic senators Casey (PA) and Tester (MT). Especially for Casey, there more reasons to believe that he suffers from marginal to low I.Q. (he voted against stem cell research).
On another note, I am glad that Hillary supported the Feingold bill. I may end up supporting her at the end, as she is clearly the most intelligent among the democratic candidates and, likely, the most electable.
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