Blue and White

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Barack: Please consider getting out of the race now.

Dear Barack,
You are my senator and I voted for you in 2004. I think that you are a great senator and a great person. But I believe that you are making a mistake running for president. And I have a suggestion for you: Please get out of the race now.

I have been very disappointed by your campaign. You have failed to show leadership, to take clear positions, and to challenge the corporate interests. There is very little that distinguishes you from Hillary. And your candidacy will only guarantee that Hillary will be the nominee.

Why am I saying this? Here is why:

In my opinion, Hillary is the democratic nominee most linked to corporate interests. I think that is pretty obvious. Although she would certainly be far better than any of the republicans, she is not the best democratic nominee. The country needs someone with independent thinking, progressive views, and courage who will not be afraid to challenge the special interests. Who will not be afraid to stand up to them. Whenever that would be possible. I wish you were that person, but you are not. You are not prepared for that job and you proved it consistently by the campaign you have been running. You have been cautious, moderate, careful, guarded, hesitant, "unifying", uncertain, undecided, ambivalent, while your main message seems to be "lets get all along".

Sorry Barack, but your campaign does not have a progressive message. In fact, I dont think it has any real message at all. I hate to say it, but your candidacy was really promoted/forced by the mass media a couple of years ago. They decided that you should be a candidate and they promoted your candidacy. Maybe they wanted to guarantee Hillary's nomination by splitting the progressive vote? Hard to know. But all I know is that among the main candidates, the only one with a real progressive message is John Edwards. Unfortunately, your presence in the race is splitting the progressive vote and will only help Hillary win the nomination.

I was very disappointed with you when you went to Connecticut to support Joe Lieberman in the democratic primary there a couple of years ago. To me Joe Lieberman represented everything that is wrong in the democratic party. And I was shocked then to hear you saying something like "I hope the citizens of Connecticut will have the good taste to re-elect Joe Lieberman". Despite that, I was willing to give you a chance. To see how you will be as a presidential contender, because I have not doubt that you are a good man. But your candidacy so far has disappointed me even more. I don't think you have any real chance to win the nomination. And I would prefer it if Hillary is not our next president. She would be fine, but we can do much better and have a real progressive candidate in the white house this time. So, in the interest of the progressive cause, please consider my request. Please consider dropping out of the race now.

Cross-posted in Daily Kos.