Why John Edwards is the best candidate

There is a simple issue that will define the winner of the democratic primaries and, likely, the presidency. The right message. The message that matters and brings hope for real change. So, who has the right message? We keep hearing about "change" but who really talks about REAL change? Who would RFK support if he were alive today?
There is only one candidate that has got it right. And this candidate happens to be the most electable democrat also. His name: John Edwards. Here is why:
There is a simple issue that will define the winner of the democratic primaries and, likely, the presidency. The right message. The message that matters and brings hope for real change. So, who has the right message? We keep hearing about "change" but who really talks about REAL change? Who would RFK support if he were alive today? There is only one candidate that has got it right. And this candidate happens to be the most electable democrat also. His name: John Edwards. Here is why:
He is the only who drew the line. Who made crystal clear that extreme corporatism sucks and needs to be fought. Is n't that what progressives stand for? Is n't that what social justice calls for? Of course it is. It is the message that all of us here want to hear. It is the message of real change. But only one candidate had the courage to bring it up and make it the flagship of his campaign. And that is John Edwards. Showing courage, strength and determination is what we need in our candidate. And that is why I support John Edwards.
As for the other 2 major candidates, they are both disappointing in my opinion. Barack Obama (who happens to be my senator in IL and for whom I voted in 2004) is a good man and has good intentions. But his message makes no sense. His message is "lets be all friends" "lets get all along" and "lets negotiate with the special interests and find solutions". I am sorry, but compromise never worked and never will, and Edwards is right to point that out. Barack has good intentions but a very weak message. He is also very inexperienced and, because of this, the only democratic candidate from the 3 that could lose in the general election. I think he would do much better in the future when he re-defines his positions and he may well be a great candidate for 2012 or 2016, but not now.
As for Hillary, she certainly does not have the right message. Hillary IS the establishment. I can not believe that she did not return the donation to her campaign from the Fox News boss. How could anyone trust a candidate to whom Robert Murdoch gives money to support his/her campaign? Hillary can win the general election, but she will not bring change.
The last polls from Iowa are very encouraging and show Edwards leading the race. It seems that I am not the only one who thinks that way. I want John Edwards to win. I am not sure he will really be successful in bringing universal health care and taking on the corporate interests. But at least, he had the courage to call for it. I also believe that Elizabeth will be a real asset to him in the white house and she will be a major re-assurance and supporter of change. We need to give a chance to hope and REAL change. It is about time.
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