The demonization of Michael Moore

John Kerry put things in place and appropriately condemned such a comment when he said:
"You'd think the only focus tonight would be on destroying Osama Bin Laden, not comparing him to an American who opposes the war whether you like him or not. You want a real debate that America needs? Here goes: If the administration had done the job right in Tora Bora we might not be having discussions on Hardball about a new Bin Laden tape. How dare Scott McClellan tell America that this Administration puts terrorists out of business when had they put Osama Bin Laden out of business in Afghanistan when our troops wanted to, we wouldn't have to hear this barbarian's voice on tape. That's what we should be talking about in America."
John Kerry
John Kerry is absolutely right on that and I am sick and tired of the right and the republicans trying to demonize anyone that disagrees with them. Another example is Tucker Carlson who made the "ingenious" statement: "Bin Laden Getting Talking Points from 'NY Times'. Give me a break. They will now try to imply that the NY Times helps terrorists? Unbelievable.
Although I disagree on several points with many of the things that Michael Moore says and I believe that he can be sometimes deliberately misleading, I think he overall means well. I would have never included his site in the links of this blog, because of such disagreements. However, I am so fed up with the efforts of the right to demonize the guy that I will provide a link to his site and I will start reading more carefully what he writes. He is at least as patriotic, if not much more, as George Bush and the personal desttruction attempts against him are shameful.
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