Blue and White

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

King's funeral and "upset" republicans

Former president Jimmy Carter gave a great speech in Coretta Scott King's funeral. He proved once again that he is above politics and he stands for human rights and freedom. Things that King stood for. His speech was completely within the spirit of Coretta Scott King beliefs.

Now, some republicans are "upset". How did Carter dare to do so in front of President George W. Bush? After all president Bush declared that he "represents the American people" in the funeral of King. Well, no he does not represent the American people.

Bush is a failed president with approval ratings of 40% or less, who is an embarassement to his own party. He had no place in the funeral of Coretta Scott King. Karl Rove should had advised him not to show up because he would not be welcomed in an event like that. The way he was "laughing" at the end in an attempt to hide his embarassment did not change anything. He was out of place, simply because he is far from the spirit of Coretta Scott King.