Pat Robertson...again...
Pat Robertson, a well-known certified lunatic, did it again. He asked for the second time for the murder of a democratically-elected leader of another country (Hugo Chavez). The only difference is that he now asked that such an assassination happens in the future. As he elegantly he put it... "one day". So, he is asking again for the murder of a democratically elected president of another country. How do you call that...hmmm...terrorism? Is Pat Robertson advocating terrorism? It certainly sounds so if the whole thing is seen objectively. On the other hand, mullah Robertson should not be taken seriously, as he is a well established certified lunatic and has said many bizzare things in the past.
I find more interesting the statement of Sean Hannity who said :
I find more interesting the statement of Sean Hannity who said :
"I think one thing we could say is, the world would be better off without him where he is".
Hmm...does he imply that he agrees with lunatic Robertson? I hope not. In any case, a person who invites certified lunatics like Robertson and Ann Coulter in his TV show to express their bizzare views may himself qualify as a certified lunatic. We will therefore consider including Sean Hannity in the list of certified lunatics next time we update it. So far there have been 2 updates of the list: update 1 and update 2 . Sean Hannity may prove to be an excellent new addition to the list.
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