Joe Lieberman: Another Bush Ally Facing Defeat

But it gets worse. It looks that Bush may loose his best ally in the democratic party. I am talking about senator Joe Lieberman from Connecticut, of course. Lieberman has been a passionate supporter of Bush as it relates to the Iraq war. He is a true believer in the foreign policy and actions of the Bush administration. Of course, he calls himself a "democrat", but this has been very convenient. It has allowed him and Bush to claim that a part of the democratic party suppports the (irrational) actions of this administration.
Well, now Joe Lieberman seems to be on the verge of a defeat in the democratic primary. The voters of Connecticut are getting ready to send him out of the senate. The vast majority of the democratic voters in Connecticut, strongly disagree with his position on Iraq, as most democrats around the country also do. Lieberman is apparently getting very worried, and it appears that he may have lost his temper, at least on one occasion. He tries to decide what would be the best strategy for him, but no matter what he does, it will not work. He even brought Barak Obama in an event to endorse him, but it backfired. Although Obama endorsed him, he also made anti-war statements that made Lieberman look bad. That helps of course Ned Lamont.
It is unfortunate to see the rapid fall of someone as we see in the Lieberman case. However, it is well deserved. Senator Lieberman will be soon sent to an early retirement. In fact, he may decide to retire in Crawford, Texas, where he will have good company.
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