Even Blair is Abandoning Bush, McCain and Giuliani

Of course, the official position from the white house was that the withdrawal of British troops reflects "progress". I am wondering how stupid does Karl Rove, Cheney and the rest think that the American people are? I have news for them. They are much much smarter than George W. and they can see the obvious. Bush sends more troops to Iraq, but Blair withdraws his troops. If there is real progress in the south and british troops can really leave, then they should go to Baghdad to help the American troops instead of leaving. Simple, basic observations. Of course, the obvious reality is that the British are simply abandoning Bush and Cheney at this time and they want out. And they are not the only ones. Dennmark just announced that they will withdraw all their troops from Iraq by the end of August.
Of course, Bush can count still on the support of strong allies like El Salvador (380 troops), Bulgaria (150), Romania, and even the country of Georgia. He still runs the "coalition of the willing". Except that the willing one by one are not willing any longer. Bush and Cheney are responsible for this catastrophy, but the delusional warmongers candidates for president that still want the continuation of this bizzare war (i.e. Giuliani and McCain) are even worse.
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