Australia Votes For Progress

The Australians just got rid of one of the worst prime ministers in the history of their country, an ally of Bush, John Howard. After Blair in England and Asnar in Spain, another ally of Bush and proponent of the disastrous Iraq war has been ejected out of office . The new prime mister has promised withdrawal of the Australian forces from Iraq.
The world has spoken. Wars for no reason and no cause have no place in modern history. I hope that down the road, people like Tony Blair or John Howard may be charged in some european countries (like Pinochet did in Spain) and, possibly, even tried for war crimes in the Hague. They certainly deserve it.
I know this sounds extremely unlikely at this time. Of course if that were ever to happen, it would be decades from now. But it would not surprise me if 15-20 years from now something like that happens. Personally, If I were Tony Blair, Jose Maria Aznar or John Howard, I would avoid traveling to free spirited countries like Sweden, Norway, or the Netherlands. And even Spain or Italy. You never know. A judge there could file charges against them for war crimes and arrest them. It already happened to Augusto Pinochet. They should look at his example. They are not that different from him after all.
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