Losing Strategies: Barack Obama and John Kerry

I read with interest this post of Kos about the attacks of Obama on other democrats and his use of republican talking points. And I agree with Kos. But what I found remarkable is, that beyond Gore, Obama indirectly attacked John Kerry. Well I think Kerry's campaign in 2004 was lousy. But I also think that among the current democratic candidates, the one whose campaign is most reminiscent of Kerry's campaign is Obama himself. Yes, Barack's campaign has many similarities to John Kerry's failed campaign in 2004. Why am I saying that? Here is why:
Kerry run a "hesitant", non-committing, campaign that was trying to get republicans to vote for him. He was afraid to say that the Iraq war was wrong and instead he was saying that the war was not "being managed correctly". I also remembered clearly when he praised Ronald Reagan. Yes, Kerry praised then the guy who moved the republican party to the far-right, damaged science and research, and messed up the economy. Kerry was trying to look "centrist". He thought that was the best way to collect independent and "moderate" republican votes. And he lost. Badly.
What is Barack doing? He is doing something very similar. He is trying to appear as "centrist". That is why he campaigned for and supported Joe Lieberman in the past, that is why he has Colin Powell as a "foreign policy advisor". Think about it. Colin Powell advises Barack Obama on foreign policy. Why on earth would Barack Obama get the advice of someone like Colin Powell? Someone who proved to be a total failure and who either intentionally or because of total incompetence deceived the world and the UN so the disastrous Iraq war could begin. What can Barack learn from Colin Powell? Obama has no problem criticizing Hillary for not learning from her mistakes on the Iraq affair. But what does he do? He seeks the advise of Colin Powell. Think about it.
But beyond following the steps of the failed "moderate-centrist" approach of the Kerry campaign, Barack has gone a step further and uses republican talking points, as pointed out by Kos. And, I think, that is an even bigger mistake.
Anyway, this diary is not meant to be an "attack diary" on Barack. After all, I think he is a good man. Like John Kerry is. But neither of them were ready or willing to fight for REAL change. To really try to stand up to the corporate interests. But that is exactly what another candidate, John Edwards, is doing now. At least he is trying. And that is exactly why John Edwards has my support and I will be voting for him in the primaries.
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