IL-10. Kirk airs negative ad, but he is losing ground in the polls.

Republican congressman and Bush ally Mark Kirk started airing a negative ad against democratic candidare Dan Seals, in which he accuses Dan Seals that he runs "negative ads". Unbelievable, huh?
But the most remarkable point Mark Kirk makes is that he is "independent". He keeps repeating that he is "independent". Well, last time I checked Kirk was still a republican. Not only is he a republican, but he is among the leaders of republicans in the congress. There are a few reasons for which Kirk should be defeated in that district that voted democratic in the last election:
1. Mark Kirk misleads the voters by declaring that he is an "independent thinker". No he is not. He votes with the rest of the republicans around 90% of the time.
2. Mark Kirk is a supporter of the disastrous Iraq war. He still supports the Bush administration on that. That alone should disqualify him.
3. Mark Kirk, along with other republicans congressmen, voted to interfere in the Terri Schiavo case in the past.
Mark Kirk is a reliable ally of the disastrous Bush administration and should be defeated on November 7.
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