The Gang of 6

Watching " Meet The Press" this morning, I realized that only 11% of the American people approve the escalation of the war in Iraq that will be apparently proposed by Bush. It was interesting to listen to Lindsay Graham denying reality and adopting a version of fantasy as a realistic expectation.
I also realized that there is what one could call the "Gang of 6". A group that is proposing escalation of the Iraq war. I dont think I need to mention their names, they are fairly easy to remember.
I hope that the gang of 6 fails to put into effect their plans for escalation of this war. They are essentially a marginalized group that represents a very small minority of American voters (11%). The majority of Americans want out of Iraq NOW. There is no question that Dennis Kucinich who is running for president is far more in the mainstream than this extreme group, who have as their goal to continue and expand what is probably the most irrational war in the history of our country.
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